Saturday, April 24, 2010


Dear Friends and Family,
You may be aware that our family recently lost both my mother and sister to cancer.  Even now one of my precious nieces is battling cancer of the breast, brain, spine, ovaries.  She is a young mother of three little boys and is one of the most amazing people you would ever know.  In addition, two of my girlfriends from church are also battling cancer.  I am personally motivated to do anything in my power to support research for cancer prevention, treatment and survival.  Please consider supporting me on this event. 
This year, I am helping save lives from cancer by taking part in the American Cancer Society Pan Ohio Hope Ride, and I’m hoping you will support me.
I’m riding from Cleveland to Cincinnati to save lives and help cancer patients celebrate more birthdays. One way your donations help cancer patients get well is by supporting the Society’s Hope Lodges. Ohio is home to two of the 28 lodges that provide a free home-away-from-home for those who must travel far from home for treatment.
Please support me in my efforts by visiting my personal web page to make a secure, tax-deductible online donation.
Every donation really does make a difference. I know that times are tighter than normal for many of us, but any amount you can give truly can help save lives.
You see, thanks to your support, the American Cancer Society can:
  • Help people stay well by helping people everywhere take steps to prevent cancer or detect it early, when it’s most treatable
  • Help people get well by being in their corner around the clock to guide them through every step of their cancer experience
  • Find cures by funding groundbreaking research that helps us understand cancer’s causes, determine how best to prevent it, and discover new ways to cure it
  • Fight back by working with lawmakers to pass laws to defeat cancer and rally communities worldwide to join the fight
Each of us has our own reasons for caring about the fight against cancer - whatever your reasons, I hope you’ll choose to make a difference by making a donation online to support my efforts. I’m so grateful to have great people like you in my life who want to see an end to cancer in our lifetime. Together we can save lives.
Thank you! I will keep you updated on my progress.
To learn more about the Pan Ohio Hope Ride, please visit
Beloved, I pray that in all respects you may prosper and be in good health, just as your soul prospers.  3 John 2

May God be Glorified!