Friday, February 12, 2010

On to Chapter 3--A Bookcase--Bahamas!

I am happy to report that my postponed mall trip resulted in the completion of Chapter 2's revision.  I am pleased with the work and thank Jan Leary for her assistance!  I am well in to Chapter 3 and it is coming together nicely. 

The things I am writing about have changed my life and I know God can use this information to change other lives, too.  When you step out in obedience to a God-assignment, expect opposition.  The distractions, interruptions and preoccupations are probably deliberate attempts to get you to stop.  That's where a consistent prayer life will be your most powerful weapon. 

Valentine's Day is the day after tomorrow...George bought me a bookcase for my office to help contain some of the visual clutter that distracts me.  I put it together in about an hour and then re-organized the stuff in my office and I already feel better.  I really have a disdain for clutter!  Not yours, so don't hesitate to have me over for a cup of coffee; it's just my clutter that drives me crazy.  Thank you, honey, I love you!

The youth from 2nd Baptist in Warner Robins, GA are out of school next week.  Their winter break got an early start today as schools were closed due to SNOW!  The last time it snowed here was in the 80's.  There was a lightness in the air today as everyone felt a little bit of "child" at the sight of the huge white flakes falling from the sky.  It really was beautiful.  The youth are going to spend their winter break on a cruise to the Bahamas next week.  The winter retreat typically was a ski trip, but Pastor Mike Dorough chose a more unconventional destination this time!  Due to difficult circumstances for one of the chaperones, I was offered the opportunity to go in her place.  You know, I had an inkling that I might get to go on this trip.  I can't tell you why...I just had an inkling.  I am so sorry for the circumstance, but I am very excited to be heading out on the Monarch of the Seas on Monday. 

Can you believe it?  I am going on a cruise!  Yippee!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Frustration Mounts

I am not going to pretend to be what I am not.  For the life of me, I can't figure out why it is so darn hard to sit myself at the keyboard and write!  Once I get into the manuscript, I have a great time.  These days I just have a knot in my stomach.  I was comforted by another author who said something to the effect that she, too, has pondered thoughts of inadequacy with every single project she has written.  People ask me frequently where they can buy my book and it's getting old to say, "Well, it's not out there yet.....but it's coming."  I have taken to my knees on this; I am asking the Lord to help!!  I have the time, but I dither it away with one thing or another.  I have a perfectionistic streak in me that wants everything in my house in order before I sit to concentrate.  I look around and see bathrooms that need tending to, laundry that should go in, vacuuming waiting to be finished and paper that needs to be dispatched to its places.  Ahhhhh!    Today?  Well, today I have time, but I am not sure.  I had planned to drive to Macon to return clothes that didn't fit.  That would take 2-3 hours minimum.  Or I could get a cup of coffee, ignore the visual noise, and open the folder that is just within my sight to the right.  (I glance over to see if it's looking back at me....)  OK, OK, I am going to get the coffee and open the folder.  God, help!  I don't like this part.