Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Back In The Game

It's almost embarrassing to even write here since I've neglected it so badly.  I'm feeling happy of late because I feel as if I'm "back in the game."  I'm ever so aware that my life, just by itself, can have lasting impact.  I have this quote hanging on the wall in front of me...

I am only one, but I am one.
I cannot do everything, but I can do something.
And because I cannot do everything,
I will not refuse to do the something
that I can do.
What I can do, I should do.
Ad what I should do,
By the grace of God,
I will do."

--19th Century American author, historian, clergyman,
Edward Hale

I'm choosing to view my weekdays more as "work" days than Saturdays.  It takes a tremendous amount of discipline to not view each day as "I can do what I want."  I've been in that mode for the the last year or more and it's not working out well at all.  I began to feel un-accomplished in all areas.  Shoot!  I could spend the entire day in my pajamas and no one would know or even care.  It was easy to live up to the impression that I was a busy, productive woman when I left the house, but inside these four walls on Beaver Cove Drive, I felt lazy and in a sense, guilty.

I'm back to school (of sorts) working on a personal training certification that will simultaneously re-instate a group fitness certification that lapsed about 9 months ago due to incomplete continuing ed.  I had been dealing with a few health challenges and made the decision to "retire" from fitness training other people.  I intended to just concern myself with my own fitness and let the people I would normally concern myself with figure it out on their own.  I had "done my time." Or so I thought.  As it turns out, I'm not happy, not caring about other people's fitness challenges. work is my study.  Turns out the timing is perfect as I'm right smack in the middle of updating the practical fitness section of my book.  Yep...I'm still working on this book.

I'm dilly-dallying now so I'm going to call it a "post" and get on with my