Monday, October 31, 2011

Book Progress

Good Monday Morning!

Just a little Free to be Fit update.  I have spent quite a few hours lately, doing the third read-and-edit.  I finished the first part, which is 12 chapters and about 150 pages (draft format).  So funny how God sends confirmations to me.  I spent this week focused on the topics of "change" and "transformation".  Yesterday in Sunday school, what is on the board?  "Transformation" vs "Conforming".  Cool.  Then the man behind the pulpit starts in with his topic: The absence of the wrong thing does not = the right thing.  In other words, you gotta stop the bad habit and REPLACE it with the good one.  That's something else I gave thought to this week.  Joel Southerland did a superb job of communicating  difficult concept and it clarified so many things for me.

This week, I'm reading thru the third read-and-edit of part 1, then it will go out to a team of "readers" for comments and impressions.  Part 2's second read-and-edit will commence as soon as the sendout is finished.

On another note:  George and my "baby" girl turned 20 last week.  Know what that means?  WE SURVIVED!!!!!  We made it through all three teenagers unscathed!!  Ha Ha.  It is so hard to believe it's been 25 years of child-rearing.  I could not be any prouder of my kids.  My goal for them, from Day One has been very simple:  That they each would be right in the center of God's will for them.  It has never changed.  Amen, Lord, Amen.

Gotta run....Have a wonderful day!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011


Truth is, it's been a terrific struggle.  First one thing, then another.  Distractions. Catastrastrokes (as my dad calls them).  Crashes.  All sorts of various and sundry distractions.  The answer is:  YES.  I'm going to do this thing!  Which thing?  My book.  It's not going to remain unfinished.  I'm sooo close, but it's not done 'til it's done.

I've not been doing nothing in the meantime.  God is showing me a lesson Mr. Miagi taught Daniel in "The Karate Kid".  Karate yes--ok.  Karate no--ok.  Karate--maybe?  Get squash like bug.  I've learned that God has A--ONE--SPECIFIC purpose for me.  It has been there developing ever since I can remember.  I can look back and see how He is using my natural abilities and talents toward the purpose.  And it's something I enjoy.

I can be "good" at a lot of things.  I've done a lot of things that have come out great.  I'm not going to list all the things I've accomplished, but I suppose it would be impressive.    I have a reputation of getting things done right.  So it only makes sense that when there is a job to be done and a volunteer is needed to do it, people will ask me to help.  It's nice when people ask you to do things.  They are demonstrating confidence in you and your ability.  The end result of this is a life of very little focus.   The big things never get accomplished or even attempted because I'm so busy doing all these little things.  So, God has shown me that I need to find out what it is that He wants me to do...and FOCUS on that.

I asked Him.  And He answered.  My job (at this point in my life) is to educate people on how they can be physically fit (read prepared and able) so they can accomplish their life's work and purpose.  I am an educator.  And encourager.  And motivator.  I know it doesn't seem that important, but it is.  If people's bodies are so out of shape that they can't even walk to the mailbox without huffing and puffing, how are THEY going to get out there and do their lives?  When your body is fit and you have stamina and energy, life is so much more pleasant!  You feel better, think better, do better and live better!

How am I going to do this?  Well, I had this idea that I could start my own little exercise program for a couple of nights a week.  I thought Monday and Thursday nights would work well.  I contacted my home church about using their facility for it, but they weren't quite keen on the idea just then.  THEN, during a phone call to schedule my CPR re-certification, the guy on the phone asked me if I would be available to teach fitness classes on Monday and Thursday evenings.  It is a program he started a year or so ago (at the time) and a job change was going to prevent him from continuing.  And there it was!!  An opportunity.

That was nearly a year ago.  The program is called Body.Work.  The "guy" on the phone is Brett Moore and he's still around, but only teaches one class a month on a Saturday morning.  I teach the Monday and Thursday classes.  You can check it out over there >>>>>> on my Facebook page.

The key for me now is to stay focused.  If people ask me to teach Sunday school, my answer is "no, thank you, my plate is full."  If people ask me to help paint the (          ) room, the answer is, "no thanks, I can't make it."  If the request doesn't somehow fit with God's plan, I decline.  Right now, the plan is to teach at Body.Work. (and grow that) and to arrange my life so that I am working on my book consistently.  I'm trying very hard to stick to it.