Wednesday, October 27, 2010


Oh my goodness!!  It has been WAY too long since I've written.  I have so much to report, but honestly can't take the time necessary for a full update now.  I hesitate to do this, but I "promise" a complete report when I return from Israel.  I am leaving tomorrow to spend 10 days with Global Missions Project.  I am traveling with 40 other musicians and we're going to play free concerts under the baton of Camp Kirkland.  I am about half packed.  Yesterday I took care of several appointments.  You know, the important stuff like manicure, pedicure, hair cut, therapeutic massage, dentist, bike store!  It was a pretty cushy day.  I attempted to watch an episode of The Closer before bed, but I don't remember anything but the intro.  Sleep took over.  I really need to scurry.  I have one fitness class to conduct, then home to iron clothes and finish the packing.  After that, I'm going to put my feet up and watch that Closer episode.  Later then!  In HIS Service,